The plus-size influencer and advocate for invisible illness from the UK talks about accepting one’s body and struggles to be a natural.
There are so many people and professionals out there who start with the clear intent to create a career where they could gain their desired success, and then there are a few others who go ahead in building a career by thinking of others and putting them first before their personal wins and goals. To belong to the latter category, people had to surrender to their dreams and spare no effort in offering something that could enlighten lives and change them as individuals for the better. We saw how body positivity influencer LouLou.j.Morgan did the same and still made everything look effortless through her compelling content.

LouLou.j.Morgan has also grown as an advocate for invisible illness. She hailed from the UK in a small town named Gloucester, coming from a mixed heritage background of Jamaican and Welsh, which led to her unconventional looks. This always made her stand apart from the rest. Today, she has come forward to talk about the many challenges that she faced in her journey and still managed to get where she stands proudly today. She suffered extreme bullying because of her size and mixed heritage, which she endured from age four and her ongoing struggle with mental health. She confesses how she never exposed her mental and physical health issues most times because of the fear of getting judged, but later realized the more she spoke about them, the more it could help others like her, especially her followers, showing them there is no such thing called perfection.
She highlights that social media often push the idea of being fake, but she stays real and pushes body positivity of all forms, like stretch marks, for others to feel comfortable in their skin in a world where, unfortunately, people are made to feel bad for having scars, cellulite, and disabilities. LouLou.j.Morgan truly believes that people are beautiful the way they are, which has what helped her gain such massive fans and followers on Instagram.
There is a lot more coming her way in 2023, where she will continue to make others feel good about being in their skin, promote self-love and spread positive vibes always. LouLou.j.Morgan (@loulou.j.morgan) says that it is challenging for people to stay natural and accept their body types, where they are made to feel that they must look a certain way.
Especially for the younger generation, all must unite to push that everyone is beautiful and worthy of love and respect.